Author's Note: Today as I was reading 1984 by George Orwell, I was reminded of how literature is meant to reflect real-life, even if it's fiction.
George Orwell's dystopic book shows a government that abuses its power to keep its people under its control. The general population doesn't know anything of the unethical, illegal business the government partakes in. For those of you in seventh grade social studies, this should sound familiar. Right now, China is doing basically the same thing that the government does in 1984.
For those of you who know nothing of the current situation, China is in big trouble with democratic countries. The communist country recently hacked into the Chinese Gmail server and accessed the Gmail accounts of people who are known to oppose the government. Not only would Americans call it unethical, but it's also unconstitutional. Sadly, China isn't governed by the Constitution, so that type of thing is completely legal. Along with that, China censors any Google search, limiting the amount of knowledge their people get. If knowledge is power, China is keeping their people powerless, unable to oppose the government.
In 1984, the government does the same type of thing on a much larger scale. Telescreens, computers that record your conversations and actions, are put into every available space, cutting away privacy for every citizen. The government, like China, is paranoid that its people will build up enough knowledge to revolt, and decides to stop the problem where it would start. If China doesn't hang, it could end up looking like a scene right out of 1984, a scene that no one should ever see.